Memory Card Restore
Released on = November 7, 2006, 3:09 am
Press Release Author = Pen Drive Data Recovery
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Memory Card deleted JPEG JPG pictures retrieval software retrieve lost GIF BMP images PNG RIFF TIFF photos recover WAV MPEG MOV AVI audio video files folders restore data from mmc cell phone sD mobile phone xD digital camera compact flash smart media
Press Release Body = Memory Card deleted JPEG, JPG, GIF, RIFF, TIFF, BMP, PNG pictures, images, photos undelete software unerase corrupted MPEG, MPG, MOV, AVI audio, video file formats. Tool restore files folders from storage devices like compact flash, digital camera, mmc (multimedia memory card), cell phone, sD (secure digital), mobile phone, xD (extreme digital), smart media. Support different Windows operating systems such as Windows XP, 98, 2000, 2003, ME, NT. Software is read only, non destructive i.e. it does not corrupt user working file directories and provides user friendly GUI (graphical user interface). Utility recovers data from various digital storage brands like Vivtar, Nisis, Acer, Sanyo, Minolta, Sony, Olympus, Fuji Film, Lumicron, Oregon, Panasonic, Espon, Samsung, Toshiba, Kodak, HP, Konica, Casio, Pentax, Canon, Rollei and Premier. Fetch and rescue Access, PDF, power point (ppt), MS Excel sheet, TXT, Word documents. Features: * Software support Windows XP, ME, NT, 2003, 2000, 98 versions of windows operating systems. * Tool is read only, non destructive and also provides graphical user interface (GUI). * Utility retrieves corrupted pictures, photos, images, video, audio files like JPEG, MPEG, JPG, GIF, MOV, RIFF, TIFF, WAV, AVI, BMP, PNG. * Recovers smart media, digital camera, cell phone, mobile phone, sD (secure digital), mmc (multimedia memory card), xD (extreme digital), compact flash types storage devices. * Rescue and repair the MS Excel sheet, power point (ppt), Word, TXT, PDF, Access. * Restore different digital storage brands like Sony, Toshiba, Samsung, Acer, Konica, Kodak, Canon, Casio, Fuji Film, Panasonic, Espon, Lumicron, Rollei, Premier, HP and Olympus.
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Contact Details = J-110 Patel Nagar - 1,Near Old Bus Stand,Ghaziabad,UP,India Phone: 0091-9818874374 Fax: 0091-120-4375006 Email:
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